
Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Legit List 1/29/25 On the boards around Danbury and Connecticut from Stage Gram S3/E05

 29 January 2025 

Hi, I’m Gregory Wencek with Stage Gram, and a look at what’s on the boards. Give me a minute, I’ll tell you where to go.

Around Greater Danbury, 

Opening at the Ridgefield Theater Barn is What the Constitution Means to Me January 31 through February 15.

Coming to ACT (A Contemporary Theater of Connecticut) is Fiddler on the Roof February 6 to March 9. 

Across Western Connecticut:  

At Yale Repertory Theater is Eden through February 8. 

At Hartford Stage is August Wilson’s Long Train Running through February 16.

Opening at Curtain Call Inc. is Mystic Pizza the new musical January 31 through February 15.

Opening at Westport Community Theater Is Pride and Prejudice January 31 through February 16. 

Opening at the Hole in the Wall, in New Britain, is The Book of Will January 31 through February 15. 

Touring companies: 

Coming to The Bushnell is Peter Pan February 4 through 8. 

For children: 

At the Downtown Cabaret is Puss in Boots through February 9. 

Learning the Craft: 

Coming to The *Black Box Theatre, at Sacred Heart University is Fun Home February 7 through 22.

Most curtain times are 8 PM but check the links at for the details. 

Is your theater missing from the list? Drop a note in the comments and we’ll get you included. 

This is your StageGram. Break a Leg.     

The latest Stage Gram is published, a partial listing of legitimate theater around Greater Danbury and throughout Connecticut. For the weeks around January 29 there are performances in Ridgefield, New Haven, Hartford, Stamford, Westport, New Britain, and Bridgeport. Link - look or listen for what’s on stage this week from Stage Gram. Link - 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Legit List 1/28/25 AUDITIONS around Danbury and Connecticut from Stage Gram S2/E04

28 January 2025 

Hi, I’m Gregory Wencek with Stage Gram, auditions. And If you give me a minute I’ll tell you where to go.

Auditions coming up around Danbury:  

The Wilton Playshop auditions for Into the Woods are February 10 and 11. 

The Brookfield playhouse auditions August Wilson’s Radio Golf are February 23 and 24. 

Around Connecticut:

The Ivoryton Playhouse holds local, union, season audition this week:  For Tea at Five on Tuesday, January 28th and for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat & My Fair Lady on Saturday, February 1st.

The Bradley Playhouse, in Putnam, auditions for The Diary of Anne Frank are February 9 and 10.

Town Players of New Canaan auditions for The Importance of Being Ernest are February 9 and 10. 

For audition specifics check the links at

Is your theater missing from the list? Drop a note in the comments and we’ll get you included. 

This is your StageGram. Auditions. Break a Leg

The latest Stage Gram is published, a partial listing of theater auditions around Greater Danbury and throughout Connecticut. For the weeks around January 28 there are auditions in Brookfield, Wilton, Ivoryton, Putnam, and New Canaan. Link - look or listen for what’s on stage this week from Stage Gram.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Legit List 1/22/25 On the boards around Danbury and Connecticut from Stage Gram S3/E04

 22 January 2025 

Hi, I’m Gregory Wencek with Stage Gram, and a look at what’s on the boards. Give me a minute, I’ll tell you where to go.

Around Greater Danbury, 

Coming to the Ridgefield Theater Barn is What the Constitution Means to Me January 31 through February 15.

Coming to ACT (A Contemporary Theater of Connecticut) is Fiddler on the Roof February 6 to March 9. 

Across Western Connecticut:  

At Curtain Call Inc. Stamford, is Steel Magnolias through January 26. 

At Yale Repertory Theater is Eden through February 8. 

Opening at Hartford Stage is August Wilson’s Long Train Running January 23 through February 16.

Opening at the TY & TAY Theatre Company, in East Haven, is Gutenberg! The Musical January 24 through 26.

Coming to Curtain Call Inc. is Mystic Pizza the new musical January 31 through February 15

Coming to Westport Community Theater Is Pride and Prejudice January 31 through February 16. 

Coming to the Hole in the Wall, in New Britain, is The Book of Will January 31 through February 15. 

Touring companies: 

At the Toyota Oakdale Is Annie on January 25 and 26. 

Coming to The Bushnell is Peter Pan February 4 through 8. 

One night only at The Bushnell is Girls Night the Musical February 20

For children: 

At the Downtown Cabaret is Puss in Boots through February 9. 

Coming to the Bushnell is Hero: The Boy from Troy February 21

Learning the Craft

Coming to The *Black Box Theatre, at Sacred Heart University is Fun Home February 7 through 22.

Reader’s Theater:

The Palace Waterbury Table Readings of 4 a.m. Friends is January 25.

Most curtain times are 8 PM but check the links at for the details. 

Is your theater missing from the list? Drop a note in the comments and we’ll get you included. 

This is your StageGram. Break a Leg.     

The latest Stage Gram is published, a partial listing of legitimate theater around Greater Danbury and throughout Connecticut. For the weeks around January 22 there are performances in Ridgefield, Stamford, New Haven, Hartford, East Haven, Waterbury, Oakdale, and Bridgeport. Link - look or listen for what’s on stage this week from Stage Gram. Link - 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Legit List 1/21/25 AUDITIONS around Danbury and Connecticut from Stage Gram S2/E03

 21 January 2025 

Hi, I’m Gregory Wencek with Stage Gram, auditions. And If you give me a minute I’ll tell you where to go.

Auditions coming up around Danbury:  

The Brewster Theater Company auditions for Nuts are January 27. 

The Wilton Playshop auditions for Into the Woods are February 10 and 11. 

The Brookfield playhouse auditions August Wilson’s Radio Golf are February 23 and 24. 

Around Connecticut:

Last call at The Goshen Players auditions for Urinetown are January 22.

The Stage at the Warner Theater, Torrington, auditions for Cinderella are January 21 and 23. 

The Community Theater at Woodbury auditions for Once, The Musical are January 25 and 26. 

The Bradley Playhouse, in Putnam, auditions for The Diary of Anne Frank are February 9 and 10.

Town Players of New Canaan auditions for The Importance of Being Ernest are February 9 and 10. 

Learning the craft: 

Last call at Broadway On Main Theatre Company in East Haven auditions for Shrek the Musical! January 26.

For audition specifics check the links at

Is your theater missing from the list? Drop a note in the comments and we’ll get you included. 

This is your StageGram. Auditions. Break a Leg

The latest Stage Gram is published, a partial listing of theater auditions around Greater Danbury and throughout Connecticut. For the weeks around January 21 there are auditions in Brewster, Wilton, Brookfield, Goshen, Torrington, Woodbury, Putnam, New Canaan, and, East Haven. Link - look or listen for what’s on stage this week from Stage Gram. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Legit List 1/15/25 On the boards around Danbury and Connecticut from Stage Gram S3/E03

  15 January 2025 

Hi, I’m Gregory Wencek with Stage Gram, and a look at what’s on the boards. Give me a minute, I’ll tell you where to go.

Around Greater Danbury, 

Coming to the Ridgefield Theater Barn is What the Constitution Means to Me January 31 through February 15.

Across Western Connecticut:  

At Curtain Call Inc. Stamford, is Steel Magnolias through January 26. 

Opening at Yale Repertory Theater is Eden January 16 through February 8. 

Opening at the Goodspeed Terris Theater is the Festival of New Musicals January 17 through 19.

Coming to Hartford Stage is August Wilson’s Long Train Running January 23 through February 16.

Coming to the TY & TAY Theatre Company, in East Haven, is Gutenberg! The Musical January 24 through 26. 

Coming to Westport Community Theater Is Pride and Prejudice January 31 through February 16

Coming to the Hole in the Wall of New Britain is The Book of Will January 31 through February 15. 

Touring companies: 

At TheaterWorks New Milford is A Journey, the One-Woman Musical Show, Written and Performed by Kimberly Wilson on January 19. 

At The Palace Waterbury is The Addams Family January 17 and 18

Coming to the Toyota Oakdale Is Annie on January 25 and 26. 

For children: 

Opening at the Downtown Cabaret is Puss in Boots through February 9. 

Touring through the Ridgefield Playhouse is Cat Kid Comic Club the Musical January 19 and 20. 

Reader’s Theater:

The Palace Waterbury Table Readings of 4 a.m. Friends is January 25.

Most curtain times are 8 PM but check the links at for the details. 

Is your theater missing from the list? Drop a note in the comments and we’ll get you included. 

This is your StageGram. Break a Leg.     

The latest Stage Gram is published, a partial listing of legitimate theater around Greater Danbury and throughout Connecticut. For the weeks around January 15 there are performances in Ridgefield, New Milford, Stamford, New Haven, Chester, Hartford, East Haven, Waterbury, Oakdale, and Bridgeport. Link - look or listen for what’s on stage this week from Stage Gram. Link - 

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