Annie Get Your Gun, another fine show from Danbury High School Productions
With most school events, the greatest enjoyment comes to the parents and friends. In this case you won't need a child in the show to enjoy this production. From the opening number to the final bow the cast, crew and orchestra deliver a superior performance. They have built a wonderful ensemble team which produces a winning outcome.
It is hard to imagine a company with better performers. The orchestra, and it is an orchestra, brings out the full depth of the Irving Berlin score. You might not think there were so many singing and dancing students in the school system, but there are. The young men and women all move so well you might think they have all done this for years. The songs fill the auditorium with pleasure. The harmony is superb. I encourage everyone who likes theater and especially musical theater to get tickets for this production.
A big thank you to everyone who worked on this production. Of course the cast, crew, orchestra and staff but also the High School administration and the Board of Education for understanding, promoting and funding the extra circular activities which make the Danbury school system the good one it is. School is more than 'book learning'. The social interaction and cooperation among individuals makes well rounded, balanced citizens. This production epitomizes well spent tax payers dollars. This production is a blend of public and private, financial and personal cooperation.
Performances of Annie Get Your Gun continue May 7 and 8 starting at 7:30 in the Danbury, Connecticut High school auditorium. If you have nothing else to do come on down. If you have other plans, put them off to see this show. You will not be disappointed. Ticket info: 203-790-2824
Photo credit: Senior Emmaline Riley rehearsing as Annie and senior Patrick Ramsay as Wilson in the Danbury High School production of "Annie Get Your Gun." Monday, May 3, 2010 Photo: Scott Mullin / The News-Times Freelance
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