
Wednesday, February 05, 2025

The Legit List 2/4/25 AUDITIONS around Danbury and Connecticut from Stage Gram S2/E05

 4 February 2025 

Hi, I’m Gregory Wencek with Stage Gram, auditions. And If you give me a minute I’ll tell you where to go.

Auditions coming up around Danbury:  

TheatreWorks New Milford is still seeking men in the late 20s to 40s range for their Page 2 Stage production of The Fair Sex on February 23. Please email Eileen at or call 860-350-6863 if you can help!

The Wilton Playshop auditions for Into the Woods are February 10 and 11. 

The Brookfield playhouse auditions August Wilson’s Radio Golf are February 23 and 24. 

Around Connecticut:

The Bradley Playhouse, in Putnam, auditions for The Diary of Anne Frank are February 9 and 10.

Town Players of New Canaan auditions for The Importance of Being Ernest are February 9 and 10. 

Learning the Craft: 

The Conn. Family theater auditions Shrek the Musical on February 19. 

For audition specifics check the links at

Is your theater missing from the list? Drop a note in the comments and we’ll get you included. 

This is your StageGram. Auditions. Break a Leg

The latest Stage Gram is published, a partial listing of theater auditions around Greater Danbury and throughout Connecticut. For the weeks around February 4 there are auditions in New Milford, Wilton, Brookfield, Putnam, and New Canaan plus West Hartford. Link - look or listen for what’s on stage this week from Stage Gram. 

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